Source: Come Together Kids

Btw The best bubble wands are found at the dollar store and they come with a tray!
To fill up your Bubble Refill Station, here are two homemade bubble recipes that you can use to make up your own batch of bubbles! ( Both seem to work equally well, we'll report back if we find a new favorite)
Recipe #1
- 1 gallon hot water
- 1/4 cup glycerin (available in many pharmacies and craft stores)
- 1 cup Dawn dishwashing liquid
Recipe #2
- 2 1/2 cups water
- 1/2 cup corn syrup
- 1/2 cup Dawn dishwashing liquid
This would be great for a daycare or a big family. Also you can give them smaller amounts so there's less change of spillage. Bubbles are an ultimate kid toy. I want to play with bubbles right now :)